8:09. Home.
I Hope Diwali was great for everyone. Here’s to new beginnings and may each of you get what you wish for. In case you know me and trust me, send me your Diwali pics? You would have my number!
So in terms of what to write, for some reason, I am blank af. Let’s see what I come up with in the next few minutes. Lemme dump the things that are at the top of my head.
- am starting the lo-carb life today. It would be tough to manage it with all the travel and stress and all that. But I will.
- I am thinking where to go live after 15th Nov. I want to not live at home and yet I want to be close to Delhi. At least till the 10th of Dec. I am leaning towards Gurgaon. Let’s see.
- Post the 10th of Dec, I will most probably be in Mumbai for a week or so. Thing is, I am driving to Goa from Mumbai on 21st or something. So I need to be around Mumbai. Lets see. May be Pune.
- There’s a lot of work open at my plate. Since I dont have a lot of pressing client calls today, I will probably focus on those and get those done.
While listening to music, Youtube played this Will Smith video where he’s talking about his upcoming book, Will. See the video.
Fuck the guy’s insane!
I have to have to have meet him someday. Universe, please make my dream come true? Not sure what I would do when I meet him, though!
Of course, the cynic in me says that it’s all coordinated marketing efforts. I mean three-four things all at the same time – King Richard, Welcome to Earth, Best Shape of my life. And now, Will. All in Nov-Dec! All at the same time!
But the dreamer in me says, why not? The guy has what it takes to release all these at the same time!
And here’s a quote. From Will. I may have used this earlier. “The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be out-worked, period. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things you got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on a treadmill together, there’s two things – you are getting off first. Or I am gonna die. It’s really that simple.”
See it here.
That’s about it for the day I guess. More tomorrow.
Here’s the journal!
- Emoticon: :|. Even though it was Diwali, I am still unable to find what would make me happy.
- Mindful Index (on a scale of 10): 1. I think I was a tad better. I did not multitask while doing whatever little I did. I kept my phone on the side for the large part of the day.
- Things that I am grateful for
- I have enough water to drink when I want to.
- There is enough potential work on my plate that makes me want to get up everyday.
- I stumble onto people like Will Smith that by their thoughts (at least) are very very inspiring.
- Things that would make my today great
- If I can finish pending work, it would be great. To do so, I need to go sit at some Starbucks. Let’s see which one I end up going to. Most probably, somewhere in Gurgaon. There’s a lot open
- I am so pumped looking at and reading about Will Smith. I hope all that pump translates into action!
- If I can finish pending work, it would be great. To do so, I need to go sit at some Starbucks. Let’s see which one I end up going to. Most probably, somewhere in Gurgaon. There’s a lot open
- A daily affirmation.
I will do what I have set out to. Not eat carbs. OMAD. Nothing that fucks my body. I need to be fit af. - Amazing things that happened yesterday?
- Diwali! My entire family was together. That was amazing!
- I went for a walk around my
househome. It was probably a 500-meter one but it was great to have my limbs move again. I realised how much I love walking. I wish where I live was more walkable.
- What could have made yesterday better?
- I did not do any work. Even though I had the time, I did not touch work. I should’ve.
- I would have got some 100 messages about Diwali. I did not know how to respond to those. I am weird like that. I dont know how to be festive. This is the reason I escape on my birthday. I make a big deal out of it. For no reason.
- Quote for the day
See above…
And here’s the streaks…
- OMAD – 0
- #book2 – 0
- NOFAP – 0
- #noCoke – 2
- #noCoffee – 2
- #aPicADay – o
- Daily Journal – 29
- Money spent – 0. Was home and did not spend a single rupee. Yay!
- Killer Boogie – 0
- 10K steps a day – 0
- Surya Namaskar – 0
- Daily Mail to #teamSG – 29
- 10 mins of meditation – 0.
- Minimaslism Counter – -3 +1.
- Morning Pages / Meditations – 29