071021 – Morning Pages

An inane update and a shortpost about restarting morning pages.

6:38. Home. The only one I have ever known.

So I am in Delhi now. And I am back to work. I need to dive headfirst into work, even if Delhi doesn’t offer me the most conducive environment for work. In fact, I will try this week, and then on the basis of how it goes, I will decide if I want to stay here. Or move to some other place (even Mumbai, if that is required).

One large thing that I want to do is to be 32″ around my waist by end of the year. I will start working on it from today. Eat less. Eat at home. Eat mindfully. Fast once a week. The day I am gonna get the most crap in my system, would be the weekends. So, fast on the weekends.


On to other things, there’s a lot open at my end. At work specifically. And for other things that I need to do for the home. And for random dreams that I like the idea of conjuring. I was hoping that the trip to EBC would give me some clarity about life and all that. None of that happened. To be honest, the daily grind of the walk was way too overwhelming to even apply my head to something else. I mean I did find time to scribble and think and all that but it wasn’t what I had imagined it to be. Easier would have been to throw the connectivity somewhere and then just stay with a notepad and a pencil. Maybe the next break I take would be exactly this. Let’s see when that happens. Where things stand right now, I have a lot to work on.

What else?

Not sure. Nothing strikes my head right now. I am yet to open my notes, email, Asana, Roam, etc, and figure out the things that need to be done. Plus, since I have just woken up after a 16-hour sleep, I am yet to come back to life. Even moving limbs is being a pain. Maybe it’s all the exhaustion of the walk of the last few days?

Guess this is about it. Time to get going and start working.

And, finally, starting streaks from today on. From ground-up. Here we go.

  • OMAD – 0
  • #book2 – 0
  • #noCoke – 0. I had a lot of coke while I was on the trek. It stops today.
  • #noCoffee – 0. Ditto. Lot of coffee. It stops today.
  • #aPicADay – 0. Took a lot of pics but did not post those.
  • Money spent – 0. Literallty stopped tracking money. Need to track.
  • Killer Boogie – 0. I may start with this, now that I have nothing else to work on for my fitness.
  • 10K steps a day – 0
  • Surya Namaskar – 0. Will get to this.
  • 10 mins of meditation – 0. Will get to this.
  • Minimaslism Counter – -3 +1. I am retaining this from last time around.
  • Morning Pages / Meditations – 1. Today is post 1.
  • NOFAP – Did a sreak of more than a month. Let’s see what I decide on this over the next few days.

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