Various places in Versova
Wrote some part of it at home, some at Starbucks, some at Jamjar!
So, the last week has been a blur. I worked a lot, travelled a lot, and wore pants a lot. Took a lot of heat for my team’s non-performance. Socialised a bit. Went to the beach a couple of times. Did not get time to take photos but it was good to be on the rocks at Sunset Club. Oh, I also missed tracking one of the days (more on the tracker in a bit).
Overall, the kind of week that I would love to have, week after week.
So, here’s the report from the week gone by.
What I was supposed to do in the week gone by.
And my report on the same.
1/ I said I will work on my 2025 plan.
This remains open. 4 weeks now. Red flag.
However what I had thought towards the end of last year and where I am at this time in 2025, I think it’s a large change. So, I may have to revisit the goals etc. But then, apart from goals, the other things need to be done. And that’s something that I intend to do this week. Lol 😀
2/ I said each time I open insta, I will do three push-ups.
I failed at this yet again. Despite reminders. The good thing is that towards the end of week, I ran out of storage on my phone and I had to uninstall apps that were non-essential. Read, Instagram.
So, till I find the money to acquire a new phone, I don’t have insta on my phone. I will use it from a browser and the clunky experience there would ensure that I reduce my time there.
Oh, I would still do three push-ups when I use Insta.
3/ I said that I would delete food delivery apps.
Failed. I use them not just for food but also for groceries. I need to find a solution. Let’s see what common ground do I get.
The tracker from the week that went by.
The tracker from the week gone by is attached.

More or less it was all green!
And this is when I had a hard week.
Some realizations...
1/ I love it when I am busy! And if you look at my mental state, despite my busyness, you will see that I have a lot of greens. Even the sleep hours and recovery is nice. So that.
2/ I need to work on eating better.
Let’s see when.
3/ I spend a lot of money.
I need to fix that.
I mean I don’t need to, to be honest.
Life has been kind. But still.
Nothing else to take note, tbh.
Ok, moving on.
Photos from the week
This week was busy.
Took some but none worth showing.
Still, here’s the link for the week.
Highlights from the week gone by…
Like I said, this week was a blur. I my not recall a lot of things. I will lean onto my daily journal updates on twitter to identify the notes worth capturing.
1/ The Club
For a meeting, I went to The Club. I love the place. Its like the perfect oasis in the middle of jungle called Andheri. I am told that the membership is about 40 lakhs. Adding it to the list of material things that I want to acquire.
2/ Hiring
For the new startup that I am hoping to be a part of, I am trying to hire people and its incredibly hard. To a point that even though I am willing to pay a lot of money, I am unable to find the right people. Lesson for me – work on personal brand, distribution and communicate the mission of the business.
3/ People
I met Ahilya yesterday and it was fabulous. She was with us at C4E for a bit and we’ve staying in touch. It was good to see her. And she travelled all the way from Pune to meet us. I mean she was here for something but she did take out time to be with us. So that!
4/ M
VG sent me a pic of M in a saree. That girl is growing so fast that I don’t know how to cope up with that. Come to think of it, she was the first kid that I even thought of as my own and to see her as an adult with her own quirks and all that are beyond my control – I am not sure if I am ready for it. She’s now entering her teens. Lets see how those years are. The good thing and the bad thing is that she lives 10 hours away from me (by a flight) and I see her once a year and I only get to know about her from her father. But whatever. I wish I was at least in the same country as her. Ok, my mind goes in a soup when I think about her 😀
5/ Met a founder friend
The guy is a second-time founder and loved his humility, candor and intent to help me do better. I owe it to the universe to get better and pay it forward!
6/ Jonah’s Complex
I’ve been reading about it and I am trying to understand if I suffer from it. And if I do, how do I get over it.
7/ Burnouts (at work)
C asked me about burnouts. I told her that I am not a believer in those. But that’s me. And I am often wrong.
I believe burnouts etc are caused by situations when what you think, believe, say, do are not in sync. If I were to look at my life, I can safely say that I am far from burning out. May because I’ve tried to live a life where each thing is in sync. My success. Or my failures. Or even my attempts. I get a lot of flaks from close friends, from strangers but I march on.
Read the next point.
8/ Build in Private
A couple of people told me that I need to be little more private. I dump my entire head on to the internet. It’s like dear diary. But in public. To be honest, I am ok with it but I can see how people may not be. I see the merit in that. I need to find a balance.
This week, I tried to be little more discreet and vague. Let’s see how that works.
9/ Life Plan with folks from MDI
In one of my conversations with Sanjay, he told me how he was the chief instigator of a getogether of his classmates from his engineering days. And how he reconnected with them after 30 years. And that too at a deeper level. I am inspired. I will do this with folks from MDI. I am not friends with all of them but people from there are closest thing to emotional attachment and I will try to do that. I will do this in this week.
I am to record a video for that. Once I done, I will share that here as well. Let’s see.
10/ This tweet by Palash was one of the highlights of the week.
Try to decode this :d
11/ The Forever Alone thought got reaffirmed.
See this tweet.
I am copy-pasting the text.
I plan to write a long post on this. It’s in my drafts and I will write it some day. Meanwhile, do read this. And please point out flaws in my thinking.
Yesterday, I sought for professional help (where I was going to pay them) from someone who I had helped when they didn’t have money to pay for their rent.
My help was in for of hard cash. Upward of a lakh. And if you know me well, I don’t have a lot of money.
At the time I justified it as SoG Grant. And as my promise to my mom that I will donate 10% of my income (not just profits).
And when I asked them, they refused. And the reason they gave? We are now so big and busy that we don’t have time for a small person. I was left seething with anger.
Now as I write this, I think I was wrong. The help I extended was without any expectation. It was a donation. A grant, if you will. And its wrong on my part to assume they will come around when I need them. Same for things with SoG. I don’t own the lives of kids that I support. Same with people I invest my time and energy in. They don’t own me.
Reminds me of my chat with V that as the gardener, I don’t really deserve the fruits of the garden that I patientilly mend for years. It’s my false sense of righteousness and want of fairness that made me angry. The stoic teachers would be disappointed. I should’ve done better.
I think this is it for the time being.
Moving on.
One large takeaway from the week?
I cant think of any to be honest.
I think I will have to make more notes as I live through the week.
I guess this is about it for the week.
Lemme know what you think.
Gotta go.
See you around.
Oh, here are the previous editions: Wk 01, Wk 02, Wk 03,
PS: This series of posts is inspired by Thej and his weekly notes.