310321 – Meditations

A quick post from the phone about why there’s no post today from a laptop.

0806. Somewhere in Andheri. I am writing this from a phone. So the formatting, spellings, narrative may be sketchy. But a post none the less. 

So the thing is, am not in front of a computer and I may not get access to one for quite some time today. Some shit has happened. Important enough to not open a computer. Ok enough to write the post from a phone. These posts are what makes me stay sane and grounded. I know no one reads these. No one cares about these. There’s no one who will miss if these stop going out. I thus need to do these for my own sake. And here I am.

I had decided that I will attempt a 48-hour fast from today on. But I couldn’t manage it. As I write this, have ordered a French Toast for myself. So clearly the emergency that I had is not a big emergency. I have to some day write a post about French Toasts. Maybe in book2. I’ll make it the favourite breakfast of one of the characters. #note2self.

So I was supposed to be fasting but I did not. I was supposed to be on a computer at a Starbucks and working. But I am not. I should’ve made a list of things that I’d do in this day but I don’t have it. 

For whatever reasons. 

Can’t talk about it on the blog. If it were me, I would’ve published but this is about someone else. And they may not appreciate this much opennesses. So that. 

Anyhow, as I write this, I realise, this writing on the phone may not be that bad after all. There are no distractions of a million tabs on the computer. There’s just this tiny screen and my thumbs twiddling on the slippery glass surface. And seeing the magic of ideas in my head appear on the screen, ready to be shared with the world! Fuck it’s a great time to be alive!

I don’t know though if I’d write on the phone everyday but I do now know that this is not a bad option to have for when I don’t have a computer! 

And with that, it’s over and out. See you guys tomorrow.

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