111021 – Morning Pages

We have a journal (not a post) for today. Read on.

8:15. Gurgoan. Yeah. Gurgaon. I am here for a meeting. As they say, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

So, I dont have a lot to talk about except a song. Kun Faya Kun. It’s been my go-to song for a while now. I start my day with it. And I end my day with it. I don’t know what it is but it gives me immense peace! So that.

Here’s a thing. Since I have started on SM’s journal method, I find that I have very few words to share and write about. In a way, it’s a good thing. And a bad. Good – I have a structured way of thinking about things and reflect on how things are going. Bad – The free flow of type is not happening. In fact, today as well, I dont have anything else to write after I finished writing the journal format. I may actually drop it if this continues to hamper me from writing.

Here’s the journal…

  1. Emoticon: 🙂
    I am at the office of Gravity Entertainment – the place where I literally learnt about life. It’s like homecoming of sorts. No, not in hunt of a naukri per se. Something else. Will write if it materializes. Plus, now that I am here, I realise I like working out of an office. Or a Starbucks. Or a place to sit out of. So that.
  2. Mindful Index (on a scale of 10): 2. I am better than yesterday.
  3. Things that I am grateful for
    1. I get to choose how I live my life. In the sense that I can pick my time (more or less), work on things that I want to work on (more or less) and ignore things that I want to stay away from.
    2. I get some respect. Need more of it. But I need to earn more.
  4. Things that would make my today great
    1. Like yesterday, if I can finish all the things that I have planned to work on, it would be great.
    2. I am in Gurgaon. If I could meet some people that I otherwise dont get to, it would be awesome.
  5. A daily affirmation
    I am happy and content and I have acche din coming up soon.
  6. Amazing things that happened yesterday? 
    1. I went to a Starbucks and worked.
    2. I got a painting framed. I plan to gift that. I dont like the idea of buying things for myself anymore. Each thing I do, I want to give out.
    3. Spoke to M after a few days. Phew!
  7. What could have made yesterday better?
    1. If I could’ve done more work, it would’ve been better.
  8. Quote for the day
    There is no quote per se. Rather I am thinking about this post from Shravya where she talks about relationships. More on this over the next few days.

And here’s the streaks…

  • OMAD – 0
  • #book2 – 0
  • NOFAP – 0
  • #noCoke – 1
  • #noCoffee – 0. Sipping onto coffee as we speak.
  • #aPicADay – 4. Here is today’s.
  • Daily Journal – 4
  • Money spent – Trcaked some bit. Need to get more serious.
  • Killer Boogie – 0
  • 10K steps a day – 0
  • Surya Namaskar – 0
  • Daily Mail to #teamSG – 4
  • 10 mins of meditation – 0
  • Minimaslism Counter – -3 +1. I am retaining this from last time around.
  • Morning Pages / Meditations – 5

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