100721 – Morning Pages

Reflections on the day gone by. Lessons I learnt. Thoughts I have.

6:14. Woke up a few minutes ago. Had a very very long day yesterday. And it was hard. Hard because I had to do a lot of things that I hadn’t planned for. Plus I anyway was stressed cos I was wearing pants and shirt and shoes for a large part of the day. Plus I ate McDonald’s at 12 and some random food (and a lot of that) at 6:30. So while I am still on about 18-6 time-restricted fast, I can no longer call it OMAD.

Moving on.

So yesterday, I met AG briefly. It’s amazing that even though I meet him rarely, each time I meet him, we can talk heart to heart. Either he’s amazing at putting the other person at comfort. Or he and I connect at a level that’s kind of tough for me to connect with, with others.

We talked about multiple things – some about him, some about me. Things that we talked about him shall remain hidden in the folds of my mind. The things that he talked to me about me, allow me to reflect on those here.

A. He said these morning pages are getting depressing.
My reaction to that is at three levels. One, someone but me reads these :D. Two, if it’s negative, I could say that people are welcome to stop reading. I merely want to pour out whatever is on top of my head. Three, these morning pages reflect what’s on top of my mind. And if a third party reader is feeling the sadness and negativity in what I am writing, may be I am sad and depressed and negative.

So, need to check my emotions. And become better in my day to day emotions. I know it may not happen overnight but at some point, inshallah, it will happen. Of course, I will continue to be honest in terms of what I write. I just need to control my emotions and not let the negatives overcome the positives.

B. Poker
He mentioned that he’s playing poker (recreational). And I crave for it. I need to get back to! I dont know how though. I dont have many connections here in Andheri. Powai is way too far to go and meet Anubhab. Let’s see what solution I find.

C. Importance of expanding the circle of people you know.
He gave me a literal discourse about how to meet more people and then try and learn from them. I was exactly like that till a few years ago. But then with time as confidence started dwindling, I stopped interacting with new people. I even stopped meeting the friends I cared for. In the sense, I started to stay away. I refused to spend time with them on frivolous pretexts.

Of course, I will want to be aware of where I spend time. And think hard about who I give my attention to. After all that’s what Dandapani has been teaching me since forever! In fact, I continue to watch videos from Dandapani. Saw this one. And this one.

So that.

Ok, I need to be going. Have to stop this post abruptly. Will be back tomorrow with more.

Meanwhile, here’s streaks…

  • OMAD – 0. Ate at 12 and 6. So, no the OMAD streak is broken.
  • #book2 – 0
  • #noCoke – 121
  • #noCoffee – 10
  • #aPicADay – 0
  • Killer Boogie – 0
  • 10K steps a day – 0
  • Surya Namaskar – 0
  • 10 mins of meditation – 0
  • Morning Pages / Meditations – 211

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