080421 – Meditations

A shortPost. Micropost, if you will. Just to get the streak going.

6:15. Andheri

I slept at 3ish and I am up already. I had to. There’s a lot on my plate. And thus, this post will be a short one. I have a boatload of work and less than a bucket of time. I need to do some serious focused, deep work if I have to get thru.

On the post today I wanted to comment on something that Leo Tolstoy once wrote. Here’s what he wrote about people from various nationalities. I wanted to give an Indian’s perspective.

Ley Tolstoy. In War and Peace.

In terms of achievement, I have to say that despite all the work I did yesterday, I still did not get myself a coffee. I know this is not something to be proud of. While I am trying to not get hooked onto anything specific, I still don’t know if I want to microdose on what I call performance additives. You know, coffee and such things. This requires some deeper introspection. Let’s see when I get around to that.

Apart from this, I have decided to get a home-office for myself that I can walk to. The intention is to get into zone more often, which I can never do while I am here.

Oh, the highlight of the day gone by has to be the filtering of applications for a role at TRS. We had some 80 applications and it was heartening to see so many people – young and old – wanting to work with us. Either we do some great work. Or there’s a lot of people wanting to get into films and all! I sincerely wish there was a way I could help each of those. I have started to believe that the future of work is individual brands and creators that get to make a living off their respective talents. I mean, there’s no way a small operation like TRS can hire more than 1 person. There’s no way I can hire more than a handful directly. But if we could enable each person to see light with their work, I am sure they’d be able to make enough from their friends, families, and strangers that they would live a more fulfilled life. Just that they’d have to create consistently and will have to work for the long haul! I hope they find a way. I hope we find our rockstar team member to help us through the next phase of growth.

Anyhow. More on this someday. Lol. Too many things have more someday ;P

Enough of musings. Time is short. Need to go. Here’s streaks…

  • Morning Pages / Meditations – 118
  • #aPicADay – 98 Wow, just 2 days to go for a 100-day streak!
  • 10K steps a day – 0
  • OMAD – 0
  • #noCoffee – 29
  • #noCoke – 29
  • 10 mins of meditation – 0
  • #book2 – 0
  • Killer Boogie – 1

With that, its over and out. Took me less than 5 minutes to get this out of the way. At least now I can focus on actual work at hand!

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