050621 – Morning Pages

Quick post that I wrote in like 15 minutes flat!

10:05. I have exactly 15 minutes today. I need to be somewhere and that means I need to get ready, leave, and all that. So let see what and how I write in these 15 mins. Oh, I need to eat as well.

I got late even though I slept early. May be cos I hadnt slept day before. May be all the coffee that was running in my system finally ran its course. May be I am just getting old 😀

So what’s on top my mind? Lemme make a list without thinking too much.

  1. Excitement about starting a new thing at The Podium. Thanks to AD. More on this in a few days.
  2. Lethargy at not being able to raise enough capital for the microVC.
  3. Sore shoulders and neck – I use a cushion as a pillow and I think I need to change that.
  4. Curiosity about would the breakfast contain. I am actually indifferent as I will eat whatever they’ve sent, even if I dont like the taste. I am trying to kill this faculty that chases taste. It was probably built in us humans to detect poisons but over time we have abused it into seeking culinary delights. But we would never know.
  5. Planning to buy a new iPhone. This Android life is not for me. Lets see when and how that happens.
  6. How money can indeed buy happiness. I fought with a friend (she’s 25 or 26) and when I did not know how to make up for my rudeness, another young friend suggested I send her flowers and this simple act of sending expensive flowers made her happy beyond belief!
  7. Today is 5th. I was supposed to let go of my house today. But I havent been able to decide on the next destination. Maybe I need to first let go and that pressure will make me decide? Maybe. Lets see. Maybe this weekend, I will try and sort things and discard and dispose of things I dont want to retain. And then the ones I want to, will figure out something. Good idea!

Cant think of more even though I am sure there is a lot on my head.

So yea. That’s about it in a jaldi jaldi post. More during the day. Or tom. Over and out. Here’s streaks.

  • Morning Pages / Meditations – 174
  • #aPicADay – 0
  • 10K steps a day – 0
  • OMAD – 0
  • #noCoffee – 0
  • #noCoke – 86
  • 10 mins of meditation – 0
  • #book2 – 0
  • Killer Boogie – 0
  • Surya Namaskar – 0

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