Work With Me (WIP)


If you want to work with me, in any capacity, please do read this page before signing the dotted line. I have outlined my ethos, principles, quirks, values and other things that I live by.

These are not in any order.

Saurabh Garg’s Life Principles / Beliefs / Values / Ethos / WHATEVER YOU MAY CHOOSE TO CALL THESE

  1. I know this too shall pass.
  2. I believe that I need to do unto others as I want them to do with me. I thus operate from a very high level of empathy. I am a people-first person and I approach each decision with careful consideration.
  3. While I may be easygoing about almost everything and I hold no stand on any issue affecting us as humans, Indians, nature or whatever, I tend to take myself and my work seriously. And yet, I like lighthearted communication. As some of the comics would say, I don’t have a stick up my arse.
  4. On those, I am a believer in ‘strong beliefs loosely held‘. Oh, and do read this.
  5. I do have a stick up my arse when it comes to time. Time is the most important asset that we have. I respect other people’s time and I want my time to be respected as well.
  6. There are way too many wrongs in the world and battles must be fought. And each battle needs a hero, a saviour. I am aware of a lot of battles that need heroes. However, I choose to fight only the selective ones that feed my soul.
  7. I like building in public. This means that I will talk about what I am working on out loud. On blogs, websites, Twitter, and every other place I hang out at. I can NOT keep secrets. I can not stifle my thinking just because the partners I work with want to keep it secret. More than that, I like the idea of living in public. My morning pages are brutally honest and is my attempt at self-reflection each day. Update on 30 Dec 2023 – my morning pages have stopped for a long time now. I hope to get back to it soon.
  8. Progress > Perfection.
  9. I want to ship. Steve Jobs said it the best, “real artists ship“.
  10. I like being honest from the get-go. It saves time for everyone involved. I will even lay all my cards on the table.
  11. I think I am the luckiest person in the world. Even if I get dealt a few bad hands, over the long-term, I am lucky. And to keep my luck coefficient high, I try to be around others who believe they are lucky. I avoid people who think they are unlucky. I dont like to be around pessimists. I dont like people who are dissing others.
  12. I am not religious.
  13. I am a study in contrasts and contradictions. I suspect I have mild bipolar disorder. And while I am at it, I do believe that I had ADHD / ADD or whatever is the equivalent for adults. PS – I use these terms loosely and I may actually NOT suffer from these but if you spend time around me, you would agree with my analysis.
  14. I like the idea of a free world. I love the idea of owning time. I envision a world where anyone will be free to work on things they want to, when they want to, how they want to. Each thing I do is in chase of this freedom.

On partnerships…

For me, all I do is work. I am unidimensional like that.

The work we do will ALWAYS be a partnership.
I may work for you.
You may work for me.
But we would ALWAYS work WITH each other.
And thus…

  1. Each person I work with (I like to work with people and not with companies), I assume that they and I would be in business forever and I want to take a very long-term view of things. You know, like Naval says, play long-term games with long-term people. I am a long-term person. And I want to work play with long-term ones.
  2. I trust handshakes more than I trust contracts. I have been hurt, short-charged, taken for a ride, stabbed in the back, and all that. But I continue to maintain that people are generally good and I want to continue to trust handshakes.
  3. I like to have a sense of urgency in how I work. Read this.
  4. I err a LOT on the side of commission. And almost never on omission.
  5. I believe I am a fair person. Oh, fairness is subjective.
  6. If you are looking to hire me, don’t use me as a contractor. Use me as a partner. Am best used when I can roll my sleeves and stand next to you. And make things happen.

My shortcomings…

  1. I can NOT focus. I will do multiple things at the same time. My magic comes from spreading myself too thin. This also means that in most things I do, I do not reach a logical conclusion.
  2. If you speak to me politely, I will give my life for you. However, if you try to throw your weight around, I am from Haryana.
  3. I am straightforward. I will call a spade a spade. Dont expect me to be politically correct. But I am empathetic as well. So figure.


If you want to know more about me (or C4E), do read our Culture Book. And the Promise. Do see this shared album where I upload things that I want to share with the world.

I also have this Miro board where I have a visual chart of my values…

That’s about it.
Let’s go on an adventure together!

Oh, and the best way to reach me is via Twitter and LinkedIn.

Last updated on 6 Feb 2025

PS: This update on the 6the Feb 2025 has been inspired by Hardik Pandya’s work with me page. PLEASE DO READ THE PAGE!